Attorneys-at-law before the Geneva Bar

Life is what happens to you when you had planned something else.

  • Families are built, decomposed and recomposed.

  • Family transitions can sometimes be difficult to handle.

Swiss and International family law sometimes lack coherence.

  • Some people do not have access to legal proceedings affecting them.
  • Other people feel that only their monetised worth matters.
  • The interplay of applicable laws often leads to unexpected results, particularly in international cases.
  • Children provide paths to solutions as much as avenues for conflicts. Applicable laws can make children hostages of poorly resolved conflicts between parents.

Fields of activity

All of the above areas in Swiss and International matters

  • Family Law including contracts, companies, trusts and pension assets

  • Children Law

  • Matrimonial Law and Property Law
  • Contract Law and Corporate Law
  • Family law for same-sex couples, including the reproductive rights

  • Criminal law related to these areas
  • Fathers’ rights

  • Domestic violence

  • Gender discrimination in the family context

We do everything we can to build an authentic, collaborative relationship with our clients in order to obtain, with them, the best possible results, using all the legal avenues available to us.

Swiss law favours freedom of contract in family relations by giving effect to family conventions. These conventions can include elements of foreign law, and be tailored to reflect the dignity of the people who have built unique family bonds between themselves. Once concluded, these conventions can be perfected into court judgments enforceable in Switzerland and other jurisdictions.

Some people do not have access to proceedings affecting them.


Our Practice

Strategic advice tailored to ensure effective resolution of existing conflicts and anticipation of future conflicts. Design and oversight of strategies for court proceedings and negotiations, whether taking place solely in Switzerland or in several jurisdictions.

Court litigation and resolution of conflicts outside of court, including, when appropriate, in cooperation with other professionals and lawyers in Switzerland and abroad.

Pooling of skills from lawyers and professionals inside and outside the firm, collaborating across several areas of practice in order to best serve the goals pursued by our clients.

Action-oriented teamwork with clients, with a focus on their desires for the future.

Second advice to clients represented by other lawyers, and to lawyers advising their clients, assessing conflicts, strategies and possible results. Expert legal advice for court proceedings in foreign jurisdictions.

Continuing education on legal developments and the latest case law inside and outside the firm. Regular publications, conferences and media interventions in order to promote the coherence of the law and of practices in Family Law.

Children provide paths to solutions as much as avenues for conflicts. Applicable laws can make children hostages of poorly resolved conflicts between parents.



Latest publications


IusNet: Approval of parenting arrangements: The need for consistent federal jurisprudence regardless of the marital status of the parents

December 22nd, 2022|

IusNet: Approval of parenting arrangements: The need for consistent federal jurisprudence regardless of the marital status of the parents Title: “Approval of parenting arrangements: The need for consistent federal jurisprudence regardless of the [...]

The interplay of applicable laws often leads to unexpected results, particularly in international cases.


Phone :

+41 22 807 33 67

Fax :

+41 22 807 33 63

Our address :

Rue de Saint-Léger 2

1205 Geneva, Switzerland

Opening hours :

8 a.m to 12 p.m / 2 p.m to 6 p.m

For any request for an appointment, please send us an e-mail at, indicating your name, the name of the opposing party and your contact details so that the secretariat can get back in touch with you as soon as possible. No lawyer-client relationship can be established by e-mail, so please do not send us any confidential information in your e-mail.

Swiss law favours freedom of contract in family relations by giving effect to family conventions.